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How to decide between a full tummy tuck and a mini-tuck?

Do you have a lot of excess skin around the tummy?
Did your last pregnancy leave your tummy hanging down like an apron?
If your condition is too serious for a traditional liposuction job, then maybe you need a tummy tuck.
Depending on the amount of fats and loose skin you have, you may opt for either of three options:

1. VASER® Liposelection
2. Mini-tuck
3. Full tummy tuck
How do I decide which is for me?

Usually, our doctor will advise you on the best solution for you during the consultation. As a brief guide for understanding, the general rules are laid out below:

VASER® Liposelection – If your skin is in good condition, and has minimal stretch marks, then doing just liposelection would be sufficient to reduce the excess bulk around the tummy. Liposelection is reserved only for fat deposits which do not respond to normal means of fat loss like dieting and exercise.

Mini Tummy Tuck – If your skin is excessive, has stretch marks, and scars (e.g. cesarean section), the best combination for you may be to do a mini tuck. This involves removing some of the loose skin, and doing liposuction to remove the excess fats. This combination results in lower downtime, and is called a “mini-tuck”. The advantage of a mini-tuck is that poorly healed scars and stretch marks, etc can be removed by this procedure.

Full Tummy Tuck – If the condition of your skin and muscles is really lax, then the most invasive option would be to do a full tummy tuck. This procedure has more downtime of up to 3-6 weeks, and involves removal of more skin and tightening of more muscle than a mini-tuck. We usually only do this in very severe cases nowadays.
How does it work?

During a tummy tuck, an elliptical shaped incision will be made to remove the excess skin and any scars in that area. The muscles are stitched together to tighten them (this is called plication). In the case of a mini tuck, liposuction is done on the upper abdomen and love handles area to reduce the overall bulk of fats.

Finally, the skin is stitched together, leaving a scar that is hidden in the panty line.

After the tummy tuck, you will need to wear a compression garment and dressings. The average downtime varies from 2 – 3 weeks for a mini-tuck, to 3 – 6 weeks for a full tummy tuck.
How to decide between a full tummy tuck and a mini-tuck?

We tend to do more mini-tucks than full tummy tucks for the following reasons:
Full tummy tuck
Model Image

1. A full tuck is a major operation, usually requiring hospitalization for a few nights. Many of our patients want lesser surgery and in particular, a shorter recovery period. Most of our patients in particular need minimal down time and a quick, predictable recovery;

2. The ability to remove fat in a full tuck is limited. Although the fat below the belly button can be treated, the fat above the belly button cannot without possibly affecting the blood supply. Similarly the love handle area is often problematic;

3. Scar load – A full tummy tuck leaves a lot of scar. The scar from hip to hip, although it is well sited in a natural body line and usually positioned low and in the panty line, is still a long scar. The scar around the belly button in a full tummy tuck is particularly unattractive.
Mini tummy tuck

With a mini tuck, we find less of these problems. The biggest advantage is that the scars are much smaller, and there is no scar around the belly button. In addition, during the mini tuck, we are able to remove fats around the love handles and also fat in upper abdomen by liposuction. The downside of the mini tuck is that the belly button is pulled lower, and becomes vertically elongated, instead of previously horizontally elongated. We find that most patients do not mind this. The other disadvantage is that less skin can be removed, hence not all stretch marks can be reduced. Also, lesser muscle tightening can be achieved.
Comparing the two

The advantages of the mini tummy tuck are therefore that:
1. it is a smaller procedure – it can be done as day case surgery
2. the recovery (down) time is lesser, about 2 – 3 weeks
3. the scar is shorter
4. no scar is left around the belly button
5. the belly button becomes more vertically orientated
6. more fat can be removed, especially from the upper part of the tummy
7. significantly less expensive

The disadvantages of the mini tummy tuck as compared to the classic are:
1. slightly less skin tightening
2. less muscle tightening
Who is not suitable for a tummy tuck?

Patients still considering another pregnancy are advised against a full tummy tuck. Part of the full tummy tuck operation is tightening of the muscles of the tummy and these may be disrupted by the expansion that occurs with pregnancy. Certain abdominal scars, especially the old fashioned open cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) scar, can interfere with the blood supply of the tummy skin and performing a tummy tuck in a patient with such a scar would be ill-advised. The newer endoscopic or laparoscopic procedures leave smaller scars which still allow the tummy tuck to be done.
Deciding to do a tummy tuck requires the advice of a medical professional. Call us at 6221-8221 to find out more information on what is suitable for you.. Source:

Health Benefits of Masturbation for Women

Masturbation although many are considered only to vent his sexual pleasure alone, apparently masturbating save a lot of health benefits.
Although many people do not masturbate, this activity is not only done by men only, but also women. One thing to note, that does not make the agenda is to be a distraction. When able to control it, it never hurts to do so.
Sexologists and doctors believe that when women do masturbate, it's good to know that sexual behavior further, and the resulting effects.
During masturbation, sexual fluids from glands help increase circulation to the sex organs. Not surprisingly, some women prefer to masturbate to relieve their menstrual cramps.
More than 70 percent of women reported having had an orgasm during masturbation than real sex. Thus, it can mean that women have a better time with themselves than with men. Other health benefits of masturbation, which this activity can prevent infection of the cervix and urinary tract infections.
For men, masturbation helps get rid of their old sperm. After masturbation, long sperm are released so this bodes well for men as it can avoid the risk of prostate cancer.
In addition to medical benefits, masturbation has emotional and psychological benefits. Masturbation is known to improve mood and relieve stress. In addition, masturbation also helps increase the sexual relationship with yourself and your partner.

Fascination of Women Who Make a Man Crazy

Women can be very tempting in the eyes of men. Not just because of the physical form, but also provoke his curiosity. Increasingly difficult to approach, more and have a strong appeal that makes him fall in love.

Sherry Argov, author of 'Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches'​​, saying that basically men attracted to women with a strong character, confidence, and have a dream. "They do not like women who need or frustration seem to find a partner," he said, as quoted Shine.

Female characters are strong and confident to challenge him. Remember, men love a challenge, and almost always enjoy the struggle conquer the challenge. "Women with a tendency that the characters 'fishing' and make him second-guessing and wondering, here's where the attraction is able to grow in love."

Men will lose the passion with a woman who is too often call or send short text messages, asking its existence and what is being done. Men also do not like the woman was too honest to be noticed and get called, or who want to frequently hear the words 'I love you'.

Argov said that the female characters are difficult to guess the key is able to make men crazy. "He will not be attracted to women who always nodded in agreement without any arguments themselves, or too willing to change the schedule of activities for the sake of dating him," Argov said.

By Argov, when a man can not 'read' her completely, he would put a greater interest. Men will be more tempted than when a woman who has been outspoken can be mastered. "Meet the woman who according seem unattractive to men," he said. Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger ...

Rahasia Payudara Wanita

Semua lelaki tentu menyenangi bentuk payudara lawan jenisnya. Tak jarang, banyak dari kalangan lelaki juga memiliki bentuk payudara idamannya sendiri. Payudara merupakan salah satu daya tarik terbesar seorang perempuan bagi kalangan lelaki. Bagi perempuan, payudara tentu sangat berharga bagi kecantikan fisik dan kebutuhannya. Namun, ternyata bentuk payudara seorang perempuan ternyata dapat berbicara banyak tentang kepribadiannya, setidaknya begitulah yang dikemukan oleh seorang pakar sex asal Italia yang mengatakan bahwa ia dapat menebak kepribadian seorang perempuan dari bentuk dan ukuran payudaranya.

Menurut Harian Jerman, Bild, pakar ilmu sex Piero Lorenzoni mengatakan Payudara seorang perempuan mencerminkan karakter dari perempuan tersebut, seperti halnya karakter yang dicerminkan oleh zodiak. Ia telah mengkategorikan beberapa tipe payudara menurut bentuk buah dan mengatakan bahwa lelaki dapat mencocokan sifat-sifat perempuan idaman mereka dengan apa yang diungkapkan oleh ukuran payudara mereka.

Urutan pertama yang ada dalam daftar pakar sex tersebut adalah payudara dengan bentuk buah melon. Menurut Lorenzoni, seorang perempuan dengan payudara yang besar dan bulat seperti buah melon biasanya terlihat keibuan namun ternyata sifatnya jauh dari hal itu. Ia gemar makan, suka dimanja dan dikagumi namun tidak terlalu suka hal-hal berbau sex, demikian katanya.

Selanjutnya, bagi lelaki yang suka dengan perempuan yang lebih aktif, sebaiknya mereka memilih perempuan dengan tipe payudara berbentuk lemon - bebas dan selalu menjadi pusat perhatian. Perempuan seperti ini sangat menikmati hidup dan dapat menertawakan diri sendiri. Mereka menginginkan hidup seimbang tanpa gejolak yang berarti.

Payudara berbentuk oval seperti buah nanas menurut Lorenzoni mempunyai sifat cerdas, walaupun ia seorang perempuan yang bergelut di karir alias wanita karir, namun ia tetap memiliki sifat romantis. Selain itu mereka biasanya setia. Siapapun yang mendapatkan hati mereka biasanya tidak akan cepat melupakan perempuan tipe seperti ini.

Payudara dengan bentuk buah anggur mencerminkan perempuan tersebut kurang mahir dalam hal-hal seksual. Perempuan seperti ini mungkin terlihat erotis, namun kenyataannya mereka adalah tipe perempuan yang pemalu dan sederhana di ranjang. Mereka suka memanjakan pasangan tapi lebih senang melimpahi pasangan mereka dengan kasih sayang dari pada sex.

Perempuan dengan tipe buah jeruk, biasanya kurang gemar menghangatkan suasana di atas ranjang. Walaupun ia cukup percaya diri dan mengetahui tujuan hidupnya, namun ia hanya sedikit tertarik pada sex. Ia lebih menyukai percakapan yang bermutu.

Perempuan dengan bentuk payudara kecil yang menyerupai buah cherry biasanya lucu dan menyenangkan. Mereka pandai menghibur dan mengambil orang lain serta cerdas. Mereka juga dapat menjadi pasangan yang hebat dalam hidup sehari-hari. Selain itu mereka juga mempunyai ketertarikan yang tinggi terhadap sex.

Sedangkan seorang perempuan yang mempunyai bentuk payudara menyerupai buah pir menyenangi berbagai bentuk cinta dengan macam-macam variasi di dalamnya. Kadang-kadang ia bisa bersikap sangat religius namun di kesempatan lain juga sangat pandai menutupi perselingkuhannya.

Warning! Be Careful with Black Circles in Eyes

Beauty of  your eyes will  be reduced because of the dark circles under the eyes. This not only caused by lack of sleep, but also deals with anemina, liver conditions and dehydration.
In one study found some other cause that causes dark circles under the eyes, among others:

1. Aging
Everyone will grow old, and one consequence of aging is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes that slowly deepened. This is because, as the body ages, the skin gets thinner (inversely proportional to the phase of the baby), thin skin and makes the blood vessels become more obvious. And this is why the skin under the eyes to appear darker.

2. Genetic

In addition, the emergence of dark circles under the eyes are also caused by one's genetic condition. Even at his young age, the circle can be seen very subtle.

3. Lack of nutrients
Other causes for a lack of vitamins A, C, K and E in the body. Which not only affect other body parts, but also the skin under the eyes.

4. Liquor and cigarettes

Habit of consuming alcohol and cigarettes, became one of the causes of dark circles under the eyes. In fact, this is a sufficient cause other complications. Pengonsumsian caffeine and alcohol affect the liver, do not force your body to rest and lack of body fluids.

5. Changes in hormone

In this phase of pregnancy or menstruation, often appear dark circles under the eyes. And this is normal in women, because in this phase there are hormonal changes that occur.

6. Allergy

Pay attention to the re-appearance of dark circles under the eyes if you do not have other symptoms mentioned above, because it may be this is the effect of allergies.

What is clear, have enough hours of rest for the body to replenish the energy that will be needed to move.

NOW, HOW TO REMOVE IT? These the tips:
  1. Application of a thin sliced cucumber on top of each eye for 15 to 20 minutes, twice a day, relieves stress and cools down the eyes.
  2. A mixture of almond oil and honey should be applied on the affected area every night before bedtime. You will see a remarkable improvement in two to three weeks.
  3. Consume at least two to three liters of water on a daily basis. Water is a very essential remedy in this case and it flushes out the toxins present in the body.
  4. Tea bags are known to be very effective in curing dark circles. A cold tea bag should be put on top of each eye for 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
  5. Make a paste of fresh mint leaves and add a few drops of lime juice in it. Apply the mixture on the eyes and the dark circles for 10 to 15 minutes everyday and see the difference in two to three weeks.
  6. Rose water is considered to be a natural coolant for the body and has been an old home remedy for generations. Apply two to three drops of rose water on a cotton ball and gently massage on the affected area of the eye for five to six minutes. You will see the result in two to three weeks. This method is considered to be one of the most effective cures for dark circles.
The dark circles treatment should be started as soon as possible to avoid it from increasing.

The meaning of the personality of a mole on your face

Belief or not, moles do not just stick in our bodies for granted. For those who believe, where the mole has to do to a person's personality. Consider the location of the position of the mole on your face and look for the means below:

  1. Right temple: indicates that you are good at keeping a secret. For you, that you hold a secret never divulged to other parties.
  2. Left temple: You have a social life that is okay. Your heart sank easily see the suffering of others. I was so generous, sometimes you're willing to give you the bill only to others who are considered more needed.
  3. Right forehead: You are intelligent people hang out. In place in any social environment, you certainly are not going to be difficult. Another advantage, you personally are happy adventure.
  4. Left forehead: You are a typical thinker. Your brain, including watery. The motto of your life, no matter which there is no way to the outside.
  5. Right eyebrow: it has a lot of images of a person carrying the load. This kind of person prone to stress.
  6. Ailis left: indicates you are a selfish, selfish and often do not care about the troubles of others.
  7. Nose: You are well liked. You are also not a stingy person. You are fairly abundant sustenance.
  8. Right cheek: describe the personality of humble, helpful and not tegaan. Just be careful because many eventually take advantage of your kindness.
  9. The left cheek: you are a wasteful private. You are also known as a good-hearted, virtuous, and not arrogant.
  10. Upper lip and bottom right: clever you are arguing. Anyone who invites you to a shouting match, guaranteed will never win against you.
  11. The left upper lip: You are smart people hang out and easy to click with anyone.
  12. Lower lip left: well ... you are famous nag, yes. Just little things can make you 'sing' throughout the day.
  13. Chin right: describe the nature of loving. You are very suitable to maintain the animals or plants, because you're the type who can take care of with love.
  14. Chin left: the owner of a mole on the left chin mostly quiet personality, quiet and frugal in financial expenses.
  15. Right ear: You have known kemuaan hard. If it wants something, you will exert all the power and the maximum effort to get it.
  16. Left ear: whoa .. those who have a mole on this point are usually irritable and quick to temper exploded.

Women Personality by Type of a Used Bra

What type of bra is the best you have? Demi bra, push-up bra or a bra wire? During this time you might not realize, if it turns out your favorite bra to 'talk' a lot about a person's personality.
This was also echoed by Jessica Santos, an expert bra bra from famous brand, Victoria's Secret. Indeed, when a woman buying a bra, not just the main function as a buffer breasts are a consideration. But also the appearance and comfort, and is not separated from the personal character.
Then how the image of the personality according to your favorite bra? Here's the answer.

Demi Bra
 Push-up Bra
Strapless Bra
Front Hook Bra
Padded Bra
Demi bra
Bra form is included in the classical category. With a half-cup and a rather wide straps, meonjolkan natural cleavage. This is very fitting bra everyday use. If this type of bra that you love, you sign a simple person.

"You do not feel the need to find a bra with a complicated model or make breasts become more prominent. You feel comfortable with what you have," said Santos, quoted from

You also really know how to adjust and appearance in various places. Simplicity also makes you not want to get involved in drama and people see you as a good woman.

Push-up bra
If the push-up bra wardrobe dominated inside, according to Santos, you're the type who likes diikontrol. This type of bra also show you one who likes to be center of attention and tend to be flirtatious. However, a very responsible individual.

"You have a very strong personality and knows what you want. Thus, it is difficult for others to reject you," said Santos.

Strapless bra
Wearing a strapless bra always make a woman feel sexier. If you love to wear it, you're the type of individual who likes adventure and willing to take. Especially, in terms of trying new things.

That's what so your appeal. But in terms of clothing choices, you tend to prefer the classical model.

Front-hook bra
Some women prefer to have a bra with a hook on the front. It shows the comfort personality priority in many respects. Like to do everything quickly, including wearing a bra and release.

Padded bra
You always buy the rather thick foam bra? If the answer is yes, we know you're a smart and pragmatic. So, you're always trying to find the best solution in solving the problem.

"Because this type of bra does not show cleavage, can indicate your personality that tends to be conservative," said Santos.
